Achieving Urban Flood Resilience in an Uncertain Future
University of Nottingham

Aim and Objectives

The Urban Flood Resilience research project aimed to:

Enable the coordinated planning, design and operation of closely coupled urban water systems necessary to achieve transformative change in urban flood risk and water management.


This was achieved through five work packages, each of which has specific objectives.

A photograph of Washington DC Water Pier


  • Develop urban flood and water management systems with the adaptive capacity essential to keep flood risk at acceptable levels, however the climate changes (WP1a)

  • Produce a GIS-based tool to support comparative evaluation of the costs and benefits of alternative urban flood risk management solutions and the potential for integrated Blue/Green+Grey systems to deliver affordable urban flood resilience at the city, regional and national scales (WP1b)

  • Design stormwater treatment trains capable of enhancing service provision, improving asset performance and delivering ecosystem services through integrated management of water quantity and quality that treats stormwater as both a hazard and an asset (WP2)

  • Enhance inter-operability of urban flood risk management assets with other systems (e.g. transport, energy, land-use) to expand the capacity of integrated systems of Blue/Green+Grey infrastructure to contribute to wider urban resilience to climate change (WP3)

  • Make the goals of multi-objective planning policies deliverable in practice by bringing together engineers, stakeholders and Local Authorities in partnership working (WP4)

  • Create connectivity in urban flood and water planning and management systems to support multiple functions while balancing trade-offs and facilitating positive interactions between:
    • engineered assets
    • advances in water technology
    • natural processes in restored urban streams and drainage systems, and
    • preferences and behaviours of the citizens and communities that benefit from systems of Blue/Green+Grey infrastructure (WP5)

Urban Flood Resilience Research Project

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 846 8137
