Achieving Urban Flood Resilience in an Uncertain Future
University of Nottingham


To illustrate key concepts, the Urban Flood Resilience team produced a series of short (two-page) factsheets. These include an executive summary that provides a brief overview of the concept.

Please click on any of the images below to access the full factsheet:



Economic Appraisal of SuDS

Economic Appraisal of SuDS Factsheet (first page)

Retrofit SuDS in industrial estates

Industrial estate SuDS Factsheet (first page)

 Urban Water Metabolism

Urban Water Metabolism Factsheet (first page)

Natural Capital in urban drainage adaptation planning

Natural Capital Factsheet first page




Microhydropower Factsheet (first page)

Managed Aquifer Recharge 

Managed Aquifer Recharge Factsheet first page

CityCAT urban flood modelling

CityCAT Factsheet (first page)

Adaptation Pathways for urban flood risk management

Factsheet Adaptation Pathways for Urban Flood Risk Management




Interoperability Factsheet (first page)

Interoperability framework - data needs

Interoperability data needs factsheet (first page)



Implicit Association Tests

Implicit Association Tests Factsheet (first page)

Perspectives on green roofs (owners and occupiers)

Perspectives on Green Roofs Factsheet (first page)

Community Engagement

Community Engagement Factsheet (first page)

Improving Blue-Green Infrasrtucture Sustainability

Blue-Green Infrastructure Activties Fachsteet first page



Implementation of SuDS in England

Implementation of SuDS in England factsheet (first page)


You may also be interested in seeing the factsheets produced by the Blue-Green Cities project.

Urban Flood Resilience Research Project

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 846 8137
